Some time ago my wife started suffering from headaches. Initially mild, they were getting a little worse and tended to come on in the evenings, usually when she was stitching. We felt that the failing light at the end of the day was the most likely cause since in addition to the headaches she also had sore, itchy eyes. As a result of this I searched for a solution on the Internet and came across these modern lighted magnifying glasses for stitchers. (more…)
Category: Blog
Starting Cross Stitch? Here’s 10 Reasons Why You Should Give it a Try!
A perfect choice for a first attempt. Are you considering starting cross stitch? There are numerous reasons why people take up the beguiling, blue-collar craft of cross stitch. We’re giving you ten good reasons to give cross stitch a try and have listed them for you below. So, please continue reading then pay a visit to your local craft shop and start your cross stitching career as soon as – today! (more…)
Cross Stitch Threads! Some Exciting Alternatives to DMC and Anchor
Many stitchers start out happily using thread made by two of the best-known manufacturers: Anchor and DMC. And continue to do throughout their stitching careers. While these two companies produce high quality threads, so do other notable manufacturers of cross stitch threads, and all are well worth your consideration.Below is a list of six alternative cross stitch thread manufacturers, all of whom produce unusual and versatile threads:
Framing Cross Stitch – How Can I Do it Myself?
You can of course take your recently completed cross stitch piece to a professional for framing; many stitchers do. Perhaps that’s what you too have done in the past, and are perfectly happy with the results. On the other hand, you may have done the framing of your own cross stitch pieces in the past, with mixed results. Or you may simply feel it’s time to try and do it yourself…
Welcome to the Patterns Patch Blog
Hi, I’m Scarlet and, together with my fellow writers, John and Janis, have created an inspiring, friendly and upbeat club where you can explore cross stitch and learn new techniques from both your fellow members and ourselves.
We share with you insider information, unusual facts, and shortcuts to better stitching. We also include a series of topical themes, returning to them regularly, so you will always have a favorite topic to look forward to. These include:
- Cross Stitch From Around the World. You can learn about different cultures all over the world by following our theme that will visit wide ranging cultures worldwide.
- Time to Cross Stitch. I shall remind you of important dates and celebrations worldwide throughout the year. What better way to celebrate than to cross stitch a design of your favourite celebratory day…t
- Creative You. This series examines creativity. How to be creative, or harness your creative skills to make beautiful cross stitch projects. I used to think that I was uncreative. Now I know that with a bit of encouragement, we all can surprise ourselves with our achievements. I’ll share some secrets of creativity, and you can add some of your ideas too.
- Cross Stitch is Good for You. This theme explains how cross stitch can help you through difficult times, improve self esteem, help you to relax, convalesce, overcome any bad habits and make new friends…
- Cross Stitch Dimensions… Have you explored a new design theme recently? Fantasy, Myths and Magic, Astrology, Celtic Art, Samplers, Quick-Stitch, Cross Stitch Gifts. We’ll be visiting those projects, and many more…
Among these blog articles, there will be news, reviews and some surprise entries that will respond to your suggestions and comments.
I hope you will find this to be an uplifting community where we all have stitching fun together.Happy Stitching!Scarlet, In the UK